In the seventh edition of Vynners’ Community Masterclass, we were joined by Star Vynners Mercedes Olster and Steve Baird. They shared their insights on building remote capabilities in field service with SmartVideoNotes.
As an Operations & Strategy Specialist at Enel Green Power, Mercedes Olster focuses on implementing strategic initiatives. She enjoys being a force of change and practises environmental sustainability at work and also has an energy-efficient, net zero home.
“Vyn allows us to track our quality across our portfolio, both globally and locally”
Mercedes Olster, Operations & Strategy Specialist, Enel Green Power
With an aim to enable remote supervision, digital upskilling and asset intelligence across sites, Enel Green Power chose Vyntelligence to digitise and automate inspections. “Vyn allows us to track our quality across our portfolio, both globally and locally. As we grow and scale, we need to work towards standardisation and have support in place for our site teams. Vyn has really helped us with this”, said Mercedes.
Short videos add context, making it more efficient
The team found the technology very easy to use. “Vyn is the first tool that’s been implemented that is easy to sign onto and understand, especially for people not used to working with technology. It’s been a great addition to our team”, she added.
“The AI technology that Vyn has allows you to start looking at what your recurring issues are and how you can fix them…it’s efficiency, it’s what every business is looking for”
Mercedes Olster, Operations & Strategy Specialist, Enel Green Power
The team also found that AI-powered video gave them more insight and better visibility into all field work. “Video gives you the context for what you’re looking at. Vyn’s AI technology allows you to start looking at what your recurring issues are and how you can fix them. It’s efficiency, it’s what every business is looking for” said Mercedes.
Mercedes’s top tips were:
- Start small and get a few key people involved early on
- Define what you’re looking to accomplish before you move to a larger scale
- Change is going to be hard. You need to make people understand the ‘why’ so they can believe what you believe and embark upon a journey of change with you
Remote capabilities for vehicle inspection checks
Steve Baird, Digital Innovation Manager at Shell focuses on how best to solve business pain points and adopt new technologies.
“Vyn picked up safety issues and helped us stop vehicles from going out on the road, avoiding potential incidents”
Steve Baird, Digital Innovation Manager, Shell
Shell partnered with Vyntelligence to build remote capabilities for their vehicle checks inspection and create a safer environment for their drivers.
“We wanted to have an integrated system whereby we were encouraging drivers to do an audio commentary while doing the vehicle check and use the results to create a dashboard on commonly recurring faults. We also wanted to test the AI so it could see errors or failures that the driver didn’t see themselves”, said Steve. “With Vyn we were able to identify faults as part of the POC. Vyn picked up safety issues and helped us stop vehicles from going out on the road, avoiding potential incidents” he added.
Top tips to make innovation projects a success
Steve’s top tips were:
- Adopt an open minded approach to innovation, don’t jump to conclusions too early. Focus on the issue at hand and be prepared to fail. As long as you learn and develop from your mistakes, you can consider every project as being a success.
- Make sure you have stakeholder alignment before setting out on your journey, these could be advocates, supporters or implementors. They need to understand and believe in what you are doing, otherwise it will likely fail.
- Advertise your successes, make sure your wider team / business knows about it. Why work on a project or POC that adds value to your organisation without marketing the benefits? Use this as a lever towards future projects.
- Enjoy it, remember what you are doing is often groundbreaking stuff. Few people have the opportunity to test and fail / test and succeed. Having this remit is both satisfying and game changing and equally something worth celebrating.
At Vyntelligence, we’re inspired to see the innovative ways our Star Vynners implement and make the most of our technology. Drop us a note at [email protected] to share your experience – we would love to hear from you at our next event!
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