Simpler digital remote audits for network installations

Simpler digital remote audits with Vyn transform the installation handover process for the UK’s leading network infrastructure provider.

Simpler, digital remote audits for network installations
Simpler, digital remote audits for network installations

The Challenge

Our client was under pressure to deliver new networks faster and they wanted to cut the installation to site acceptance time cycle across thousands of assets. Complex checklists, paper-based processes and multiple handoffs resulted in quality snags and an average of 14-days to complete the audit.

The Solution: Simpler digital remote audits

With Vyn, subcontractors are auto-guided to send short videos showing asset install. Upon upload, Vyns are automatically tagged, categorised and available on-demand.

Experts are instantly notified. Automated tagging and image annotations enable sharper review for remote job acceptance. Smart recommendations accelerate next actions.

The Outcome

Over 70% reduction in install to commission time. Faster, better quality telecoms asset installation with a shift to 100% remote audit needing fewer experts, deployed in just 6 weeks. Site acceptance times have reduced significantly from 14 days to 2 days.

We transformed our installation audits by making them 100% remote using Vyn SmartVideoNotes

Quality Manager, Network Health & Engineering

Read more about how Openreach turns to video AI to cut install snags in TelcoTitan’s BTwatch.

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