I will be stepping down from my day-to-day hL activities at the end of this month. It’s time to ease into the next – older – life phase, perhaps with some travelling (having never taken that pre-University gap year) and definitely more learning, two activities that have always made me happy.
Whatever unfolds, I’ll look back on my journey with humanLearning with affection, gratitude and hope (that the company finds the success it deserves).
Affection because instinctively I shared the values of the co-founders: humility, honesty, clean living, industriousness and trying to make a positive difference in the world. Without these bedrock values I’d never have joined.
Affection because coming in as the first employee in a start up means I’ve been part of – and partially moulded – the family we’ve become.
Affection because I genuinely respect and like all in the hL team I’ve met and worked with.
I believe gratitude is an important element towards inner personal peace, taking regular stock of all the advantages one has compared to many others.
I’m grateful to have been asked to join the hL journey and meet such a diverse range of fine minds – all pulling in the same direction.
I’m grateful to have learnt (on-the-job) all the benefits of digital communication, in a B2B environment.
I’m grateful because I’ve been asked to be an alumnus of the company – the first of many future supporters I hope. So, some of you might still see me at future hL events or get-togethers; and, of course, I’ll be cheering everyone on behind the scenes.
I hope the company can become the world-leader it is striving to be, creating that globally recognised, all-new, category of fast human feedback.
I hope such quality delivers on the original hL purpose of enriching society by creating more winners – not only personal wealth for company stakeholders but also for the support services (often one-person, often local) that have assisted us on the journey so far.
I hope I’ve been been able to inspire some in the hL family to understand that daily investments in one’s health (nutrition, exercise and stress control) can pay off when the dreaded 50s & 60s loom.
Be happy. Be healthy. Good luck.
With best wishes,
hL is the company behind vyn, the simple, intelligent data capture tool for enterprise. We’re firm believers in the value of diversity: Some of us focus on details, others on the bigger picture, and most of us will eagerly ask a bunch of questions when a new idea is suggested. Want to join us?
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