Is your company values-driven? How do you know?
In many big and small offices, company values are often written on a poster at the coffee station or next to reception. But how many people actually know all of their 5 or 7 or 12 company values? The fact is that most people don’t know their company values at all.
The odd thing about Vyntelligence is that most of, if not all, employees actually know our company values. How do I know this? Because we talk about them – a lot.
The four pillars are something we reference during meetings, client conversations, performance reviews, and when making key decisions. These values are simplicity, velocity, trust and mutuality.
We built our platform on these four values, and we strive to be held accountable to them.
For the purpose of this article, I’ll leave the first three to speak for themselves, and say a bit more about mutuality. Mutuality at work means we help those who need it, trusting that they would do the same for us and knowing that we are all doing our best, within whatever circumstances surround us.
The Vynners’ Community is built on mutuality
At work, you feel more engaged when you know your contribution matters.
In the current work climate, where at least 64% of employees do not feel engaged at work, something needs to change. One way of improving engagement is by increasing mutuality: Recognising that your work is helping someone else, and someone else’s work is helping you. Employees who feel that their work is making a meaningful contribution tend to be more engaged.
At Vyntelligence, we celebrate and strengthen this mutuality, building it not just between ourselves and each of our customers, but also between our customers themselves. In the Vynners’ Community gatherings, held every 2 months, we invite our customers to share some of their experiences, challenges and victories, as well as recognising the individual contributions made by all. We take a few minutes to award a handful of “Star Vynners”, too. These are people who have made an impact within their teams, addressing specific challenges and using Vyn to solve their problems. Taking a moment to celebrate someone for taking on a new challenge, inspiring their teammates, or otherwise making a difference goes a long way.
A map showing the increasingly global Vynners’ Community
Celebrating impact
Going forward, we are finding ways to show the impact beyond teams or even beyond communities. We already know that some of our customers have saved hundreds of thousands of carbon miles from transitioning to Remote Work Assurance with Vyn. We want to make sure that everyone who uses Vyn knows the greater impact that their contribution has, and while we know that digitalisation and sustainability go hand in hand, it’s not always obvious. This is why we are developing more ways for our customers to see their contributions towards sustainability and a healthier planet.
When you recognise and celebrate the impact that your individual contribution has on your customer, team, company, community, and planet, you will feel more connected and engaged. This is the kind of engagement we need to build a more sustainable planet for future generations. Do you agree?
If you are a Vyn customer or Vyn user, we welcome you to join the community. If you are not one (yet), let’s change that.